Friday, December 20, 2013

Bridge Match 2 - Board 32

Board 32 - Dealer West - EW Vul

Opponents convention card: Dutch Doubleton
Opponents playing strength: Fair

My hand: Q Q 8 7 6 5 2 A Q 8 7 5 3

Partner opens 1 diamond in second chair. East overcalls 1 spade. I make a negative double since I have 4 hearts. West makes a jump cuebid of 3 diamonds showing a constructive raise. Partner supports my hearts and East jumps to 4 spades. I don't have the hand to decide if we should double or bid on or sit so I pass the decision to partner. He decides to be wimpy and pass. Doh.

I'm on lead and decide to lead partner's suit. 5 of diamonds away!
A 9 4 2
J 5 3
A Q 6
T 9 2
Q 8 7 6
5 2
A Q 8 7 5 3
2Constructive Raise

5-6-J-7. Partner fires back the K of clubs. Am I supposed to overtake to fire back another diamond? That's a bad plan if declarer has Jxx of clubs which is not unreasonable. They're down off the top if he does. Or are they? If declarer has Jxx then partner has stiff K and I have no entry to my clubs. Overtake it is! K-6-A-2.

Question time... If partner had a stiff club then I should cash the Q and play another to him for a ruff to set them. If partner has KJ4 of clubs then doing so puts declarer in but what can he really do? Ok, that sure seems better than just playing back a diamond. Q-9-J-4. Right, they could both have 2 clubs. Well, I've set up the club on board. Do I need to take that away now? Probably. Force the ruff-overruff to happen and then hope declarer can't get to 10 tricks. 3-T-T of spades-4 of hearts. Or I guess partner could just set them right now.

Partner goes diamond to dummy. 3-T-2-Q. Declarer then draws trump. 2-4 of diamonds-K-Q. What? Partner had stiff T and declarer let him score it? That's odd. But I guess he had a heart loser and no way to get rid of it so he decided to lose it right away. He is certainly up now. Down 1.

K T 9 2
K J 9 8 4 3
A 9 4 2
J 5 3
A Q 6
T 9 2
K J 8 7 6 5 3
A 4
T 7
6 4
Q 8 7 6
5 2
A Q 8 7 5 3

6 EW pairs played 4 spades. 3 made, 3 went down 1. One NS pair got to play and make 4 hearts up one. And the last table passed this board out. Game made at 4 of the tables, some by each side, and one table didn't bid at all. What a bunch of wimps! At any rate we got 10 MPs for our result.

Captain Jack disagrees with my play of the heart suit. I signalled count incorrectly. Fair enough, but the hand was over at that point Jack and I simply stopped caring. My bad.

Ranking after board 32/60: 2/16 with 55.36%

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