Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 73

Board 73 – Dealer North – EW Vul

My hand: 8 5 4 Q 9 4 T 9 8 6 9 8 3

Partner opens 1 club. East overcalls 1NT (16-18, no 5 card major). I have nothing at all to say.
West bids 2 clubs Stayman. Partner passes, East bids 2 spades, and West jumps to 3NT which gets passed out. I lead the 9 of clubs.

9 6 2
J T 7 3
J 5 3
A K 2

8 5 4
Q 9 4
T 9 8 6
9 8 3

West North East South
1 1NT Pass
21 Pass 2Pass
3NT Pass PassPass

9-K-4-7. Seeing dummy it looks like I have a heart trick and nothing else. Partner has 12-14 points and needs to get 4 tricks out of them somehow. I don't like our chances.

Declarer moves on spades. 2-J-Q-4. And back to clubs. 6-3-A-5. And spades again. 6-3-T-5. And clubs again. J-8-2-T. Q-8 of spades-3 of hearts-5 of hearts. And now spades again. A-6 of diamonds-9-K. (I guess that spade pitch was as stupid as I thought it was before I made it.) 7-8 of diamonds-3 of diamonds-6 of hearts.

Now declarer starts on diamonds and we need the rest. 2-9-J-Q. 4-7-T-5. Guess I have to break hearts. 4-7-A-2. Declarer has the A of diamonds and the K of hearts for up 1.

K J 3
A 8 6 5
K Q 4
T 5 4

9 6 2
J T 7 3
J 5 3
A K 2

A Q T 7
K 2
A 7 2
Q J 7 6

8 5 4
Q 9 4
T 9 8 6
9 8 3

Professor Jack disagrees with my opening lead. Apparently from 983 I'm supposed to lead the 8, not the 9. Huh. I wonder why he says that.

The auction is the same on the replay. My hand leads the 8 of clubs which somehow makes declarer play differently at trick one. He wins in hand and then goes up to dummy in clubs from which he attacks hearts, letting South win the Q. His second time on board he finesses spades, but he's not getting 4 spade tricks this way. Except for some complete inexplicable reason declarer cashes the J of clubs and North pitches the K of spades! Making 4.

Nick: -630
Jack: -630
IMPs: 0 (+20 total)

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