Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 60

Board 60 – Dealer West – NS Vul

My hand: A T 9 8 4 2 A 6 2 K J 5 3

West opens 1 diamond, partner passes, and East responds 1 heart. I don't really have anything productive to say so I pass. West jumps to 3 diamonds and East goes to 3 no trump which gets passed out. I lead the 3 of clubs.

8 6
K Q T 9 5 4 3
A 6

9 8 4 2
A 6 2
K J 5 3

West North East South
1 Pass 1 Pass
3 Pass 3NT All Pass

3-6-Q-7. Looks like they're down, since I have 2 clubs, a diamond, and a spade on top of the club partner just won. Or at least I would have, if partner had returned a club. Instead he returns a spade. 2-K-A-6. Maybe we can get more tricks if I play along with partner, but screw him. I pound out a club. 5-A-8-2.

Declarer starts to play diamonds. Q-7-8-?. There's just the J left. Would partner have signaled count with the J from J-7? I hope so, which means declarer has it and I should hold up a round. I play the 2. Declarer plays another diamond. 9-J-3 of spades-6. Guess it was good he didn't signal with the J...

But by playing low I no longer have an entry to my clubs. Partner shifts to a spade. 4-7-T-8. Somehow I'm in with my T of spades. I can cash out for down 3, but partner has to have spade tricks over there. If I exit a heart, what can go wrong? Well, declarer might cash out 5 heart tricks, for one thing. I should just cash out. They get the rest since declarer has the AK of hearts in hand. Down 3.

J 9 5 4 2
T 7 5
J 7
Q 9 8

8 6
K Q T 9 5 4 3
A 6

K Q 7 3
A K 6 3
T 7 4 2

9 8 4 2
A 6 2
K J 5 3

Professor Jack disagrees with my play to the diamond suit. He wants me to win the first trick with the A instead of ducking with the 2.

He then disagrees with my choice of hearts to play after I cashed out. I played the 2 which encouraged and should play the 9 to discourage. Well, since dummy is up unless partner has the A of hearts I don't see how it matters!

On the replay the auction is the same. My hand also leads the 3 of clubs and his partner also shifts to a spade. My hand wins the first diamond and cashes out. Declarer wins the spade return in hand with the Q, crosses to the J of hearts and cashes out the diamonds. Down 1.

Nick: 150
Jack: 50
IMPs: +3 (+13 total)

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