Friday, November 12, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 68

Board 68 – Dealer West – All Vul

My hand: K 6 3 K T 6 4 A Q 8 7 4 3

East opens 1 no trump in third seat. I bid 2 clubs showing a single suited hand. West jumps to 3 no trump. I likely have 2 outside entries and a long suit to set up. I don't think I should double but I bet I can set them if partner has anything of use at all in clubs and maybe even if he doesn't. I lead the 7 of clubs.

A T 8
J 7 5 2
J 6
K T 9 6

K 6 3
K T 6
A Q 8 7 4 3

West North East South
Pass Pass 1NT 21
3NT Pass Pass Pass

7-6-2 of spades-J. So much for partner having any help at all in clubs, eh? Declarer even attacks clubs himself, as he possibly should. 2-3-9-3 of diamonds.

Now declarer shifts to a diamond. J-9-5-4. 6-8-K-6 of hearts. Q-3 of spades-2 of hearts-7. And now a heart. 4-K-5-3.

If declarer just needed 1 club he could have taken it, so I hope it doesn't hurt to give it to him now. I take the A first just in case, though. A-T-7 of spades-5. 4-K-T of diamonds-8 of hearts.

Declarer now pounds out a heart. 7-9-A-T. And now he ducks a diamond. 2-8 of clubs-8 of spades-9 of spades. I guess he isn't so much ducking a diamond as cashing one. And now the A of diamonds. A-Q of clubs-T of spades-5 of spades. And now a spade. Then declarer has to lead to partner's Q of hearts. Up 1.

J 9 7 5 2
Q 9 3
T 9 8 7 3

A T 8
J 7 5 2
J 6
K T 9 6

Q 4
A 8 4
A K Q 5 2
J 5 2

K 6 3
K T 6
A Q 8 7 4 3

Nice diamond pitches, partner. I guess it probably doesn't matter, but still.

Professor Jack disagrees with my spade pitch. He thinks I should give up on clubs, I guess.

The auction takes a drastic turn for the worse. My hand also overcalls 2 clubs but it's natural instead of Cappelletti. West hits him with a penalty double which gets passed out. Defense then manages to mangle the contract completely throwing away tricks left and right. They still manage to take it down 2. In retrospect I can't get a better result even seeing all 4 hands, so I guess they didn't actually mangle it. East had pretty much the best hand he could have for his 1NT opener and they still only set it 2, so I question the penalty double, at least...

Nick: -630
Jack: -500
IMPs: -4 (+18 total)

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