Friday, November 05, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 63

Board 63 – Dealer South – NS Vul

My hand: K 9 8 3 A Q 9 7 4 A K 5 4

I open 1 heart. Partner bids 2NT which should show 4 hearts and 13+ points. Now there's some system over Jacoby 2NT that I really should know, but I don't. Bidding a new suit is either a short suit or a long one. I have an extra K over an opening bid so I want to bid something... Lets try 3 spades and see what happens. Partner retreats to 4 hearts. Ok, fine, lets be wimps. Hopefully the splits will be bad this hand...

It turns out partner's bid only showed 3 hearts and my bid showed a singleton or void. Live and learn...

West leads the 6 of spades.

A Q 7 2
K T 8 3
T 6
K Q 8

K 9 8 3
A Q 9 7 4
5 4

West North East South
Pass2NT1 Pass 32
Pass4 All Pass
13+ hearts, game force
2Singleton or Void

I have 5 hearts, 3 spades, and 2 diamonds. I get a 4th spade if they split 3-2. I get a club by brute force. I only have 1 loser so unless things split badly I have a good shot at slam. Oh well...

6-7-T-K. I draw trump. A-5-3-2. 4-6-K-2 of clubs. 8-6 of clubs-Q-J. Now if I play on clubs and West has the A I make 6. Or, if East has it, maybe I can force him to return a spade. If he pitched down to stiff A, anyway. It can't hurt to remove the diamond exit just in case...

So I do, and it turns out it can hurt. You see, the Q of clubs won the first trick but I don't have an entry back to my hand. Gotta pay more attention to the trump suit when I'm drawing trump. Oh well. Spades split so it doesn't matter. Making 6.

A Q 7 2
K T 8 3
T 6
K Q 8

6 5
J 6 5
Q 9 7 5 3 2
A 3

J T 4
J 8 4
J T 9 7 6 2

K 9 8 3
A Q 9 7 4
5 4

Professor Jack disagrees with my 3 spade bid, obviously. He would have bid 3NT. He also wouldn't have passed over 4 hearts, and would have bid 4NT.

The auction is different on the replay. North jumps to 3NT at his first turn, showing 3+ hearts and 13+ points. South cuebids diamonds and North retreats to 4 hearts which gets passed out. The play is extremely uninteresting since West leads the A of clubs. Making 6.

Nick: 680
Jack: 680
IMPs: 0 (+13 total)

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