Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 70

Board 70 – Dealer East – EW Vul

My hand: A Q T 7 6 6 2 A Q 7 5 9 4

East opens 1 club. I overcall 1 spade. West makes a negative double and East jumps to 3 hearts. I pass, West bids 3 no trump and East goes to 4 hearts which gets passed out. I lead the 6 of hearts.

K J 2
Q T 7 4
K T 6 3
J 6

A Q T 7 6
6 2
A Q 7 5
9 4

West North East South
1 1
Double1 Pass 3 Pass
3NT Pass 4 All Pass

6-T-K-A. 9-2-4-5. J-6 of spades-7-8. Declarer switches to clubs. 5-9-J-2. 6-3-K-4. Q-7 of spades-3 of diamonds-7. A-5 of diamonds-6 of diamonds-8.

Now he leads the 5 of spades. I just can't see a way to take more than my 2 aces, so I take them. Making 5.

9 4 3
K 8 5
J 4
T 8 7 3 2

K J 2
Q T 7 4
K T 6 3
J 6

8 5
A J 9 3
9 8 2
A K Q 5

A Q T 7 6
6 2
A Q 7 5
9 4

Professor Jack disagrees with my opening lead. He wants me to give up on my Q of spades right off the hop and lead the A.

The bidding is almost the same on the replay. The only difference is West goes straight to 4 hearts over 3 hearts instead of detouring through the useless 3NT. My hand starts by leading a club. Declarer wins on board and finesses North out of his K of hearts, so they make 5 as well.

Nick: -650
Jack: -650
IMPs: +0 (+18 total)

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