Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 32

Board 32 – Dealer West – EW Vul

My hand: Q 9 Q J A Q 8 7 6 9 5 4 2

East opens 1 club in third seat. I bid 1 diamond. West bids 1 spade, partner bids 2 diamonds, and East bids 3 spades. I pass and West bids 3 spades (alerted as a limit raise). North and East both pass. I see no reason to act here. Partner leads the T of diamonds.


K 7 4
K 9 5 4
A Q T 6 3

Q 9
A Q 8 7 6
9 5 4 2

West North East South
Pass Pass 1 1
1 2 2 Pass
31 Pass Pass Pass

T-5-A-4. Declarer should have 4 diamonds and therefore wants to ruff some of them. I return a trump to cut down on that. 9-T-J-K. Declarer draws more trump. 4-Q-A-3. And a third round. 8-2-7-6 of diamonds. Guess he doesn't want to ruff diamonds after all.

Declarer attacks clubs. J-K-A-2. T-4-7-8. Q-5-2 of diamonds-6 of hearts. Declarer ruffs out my 9 of clubs. He plays a heart towards board but partner hops with the A. Partner returns the 9 of diamonds. I play the Q but declarer wins the K. He plays a heart to board's K, ruffs the club back and cashes his high diamond. Making 5.

J 3 2
A T 6 3 2
T 9 3
K 8

A T 8 6 5
8 7
K J 4 2
J 7

K 7 4
K 9 5 4
A Q T 6 3

Q 9
A Q 8 7 6
9 5 4 2

Professor Jack disagrees with my pass. He wants me to bid 3 diamonds. My hand seems pretty terrible and I already got my diamonds into the picture so I don't know about that.

On the play he disagrees with switching to a spade. He wants me to play the Q of hearts for some reason. I guess to attack declarer's eventual entry to board's clubs?

He also disagrees with my first club since I signalled odd instead of even. Meh, I don't think that matters at all and if anything tells declarer his clubs aren't running if that matters to him.

On the replay my seat gets in there with 3 diamonds. West doubles for penalty which becomes the final contract.

West leads the J of clubs which his partner wins with the A. East switches to a trump, West winning the J. West draws another round of trump. West wins the A of spades and goes back to clubs. West throws away the setting trick by ruffing the next club low (overruffed), but then gets it back when declarer plays a low spade to him. East ends up getting his K of hearts and Q of clubs for down 3 doubled.

Nick: -200
Jack: -500
IMPs: +7 (+1 total)

1 comment:

Bung said...

Your hand is *abysmal* and I fully endorse your pass! [Bung seal of approval]