Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 26

Board 26 – Dealer East – All Vul

My hand: K T 3 K T 7 3 2 3 A 6 5 3

East passes. I'm tempted to open 1 heart but I suspect partner will go overboard if I do, so I pass. West opens a diamond, partner passes and East responds a heart. I no longer have anything I can say. West bids 2NT and East goes to 3NT. Everyone passes. Partner leads the J of diamonds.


J 9 5 2
A J 8 5
Q 4
T 8 4

K T 3
K T 7 3 2
A 6 5 3

West North East South

Pass Pass
1 Pass 1 Pass
2NT Pass 3NT All Pass

J-4-3-A. Hopefully partner lead from KJT but I bet it was from JT9. Declarer decides to attack spades. 6-4-J-K. Now what do I do? I can't return partner's suit. Spades seems wrong since declarer is playing them. Hearts is not something I want to break. How about clubs? If partner has anything in clubs they're well positioned over declarer's stuff. I like it. I return the 3 of clubs.

3-K-2-4. Partner's 2 should deny anything in clubs, but maybe he has the J. If I get in again I'll play another one.

Declarer starts attacking partner's suit. 8-7-Q-2 of hearts. So, partner lead from JT9 and not KJT.

Declarer then leads the 2 of spades off board. 2-3-A-7. And another. 8-Q-5-T. Dummy's 13th spade is set up now.

Partner goes back to clubs. 7-8-A-9. I play another. 6-Q-J-T. My 13th club is now set up. If I get in with the K of hearts they're down.

But first declarer is going to cash diamonds. K-6-5 of hearts-3 of hearts. Then he shifts to a heart. 4-6-J-K. I cash my club and then dummy is up. Down 1.

Q 7 4
9 6
J T 9 7 6
J 7 2

A 8 6
Q 4
A K 8 5 2
K Q 9

J 9 5 2
A J 8 5
Q 4
T 8 4

K T 3
K T 7 3 2
A 6 5 3

Professor Jack disagrees with my second pass. He would bid 2 hearts. I guess cuebidding their suit is natural in this situation?

On the replay they have the same auction. Guess Jack isn't listening to Captain Jack. North makes a different lead, playing the J of clubs. The rest of the play is different but they take the same 5 tricks for down 1.

Nick: 100
Jack: 100
IMPs: 0 (-19 total)


Sky said...

I love how Jack doesn't take his own bidding advice in identical auctions. That code sounds decidedly suspicious.

Ziggyny said...

I am playing a different system than they are which could cause some of these sorts of problems. It definitely caused the 2NT-3NT issue from several boards ago where somehow me playing Cappelletti and not bidding caused them to bid game.

It is a little suspicious though for sure. Makes me want to play with actual humans, though they make all kinds of nonsensical bids too...