Monday, January 20, 2014

Niagara 2014

Another year, another Niagara Board Gaming Weekend! They've changed their website for this year but it has somehow managed to be less informative than the previous one. This is a very hard thing because I'm not sure the last one gave any useful information at all! I seem to recall the last one actually mentioned that people would be playing board games... This one seems to leave that out! I have no clue from the webpage what to expect.

I've been twice before, though, and I have blogged about it in the past, so I do have an idea about what to expect. 4 days of open gaming from the 23rd to the 26th of January. I can also apparently expect to hurt my back, accidentally eat gluten, and have anxiety attacks. And be a cylon! That's probably good enough to offset the other stuff, right?

My biggest worry is actually being awake when everyone else is asleep. I have a floor to crash on, which is great, but it means having a bad sleep schedule is really bad. I do think a solution could be to just bring a big book (I've been meaning to relearn JavaScript) and find some place to camp in the hotel or something.

As far as food goes, I've gotten better at going on adventures without getting sick since last year. Both WBC and CastleCon went fine so I expect I can pull something off for this, too. Maybe I can find some gluten free mushrooms to bring along...

I figure I'll just take the Go Train/Go Bus combo to get down there which will make things work no matter when I happen to be waking up, which at this point is looking pretty sketchy. 8pm or so? Maybe I'll just stay up, take an early bus, and then go to sleep when I get there. I guess it depends on how late I end up sleeping the next couple of days.

I haven't played enough board games lately so I think I'm going to give it a go. It should be fun! You should go too!

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