Sunday, January 05, 2014

Bridge Match 2 - Board 36

Board 36 - Dealer West - All Vul

Opponents convention card: Standard American Yellow Card
Opponents playing strength: Adequate

My hand: A T 4 3 A Q 9 5 Q 7 4 9 5

West opens 1 club, partner passes, and East reponds 1 spade. My hand is decent but unexciting and certainly isn't allowed to bid after they bid a major. They end up settling into 2 diamonds. I don't think I could have bid at the second turn either? But maybe the right MP spot to play is going to be 2 hearts for our side and I'm going to be sad.

I lead the 9 of clubs.
T 3 2
K T 9 6
A K Q 6 4
A T 4 3
A Q 9 5
Q 7 4
9 5

9-Q-2-7. Lead through strength indeed! West gives up a spade, presumably so he can start ruffing them on board. 5-Q-7-4. Partner returns a club, presumably hoping I led a stiff and we can ruff things first. Sorry Jack. J-8-5-K. Now declarer draws trump. 6-8-A-4. Ruff a spade. 2-3-9 of diamonds-6. Cash a club, pitching a heart loser. A-3-7 of hearts-7 of diamonds.

I'm in, and I have nothing useful to do. I still don't think leading a heart is a good idea. So I make him ruff a spade. T-K of diamonds-K-8. He plays another club. 4-T-J of diamonds... Should I overruff? I'm going to get thrown in with it eventually and that seems bad. Might as well win it now while I have an 'exit'? I win and make him ruff another spade. He cashes a club, ruffs a heart, and is up because I set up his spades.

Oh partner, why didn't you play a heart when you got in? Lead through strength! Or draw trump? They were clearly setting up to ruff a lot of spades. Oh well. Making 3.
K Q 6
K 8 6 4
8 5
J T 3 2
T 3 2
K T 9 6
A K Q 6 4
J 9 8 7 2
J 7
A J 3 2
8 7
A T 4 3
A Q 9 5
Q 7 4
9 5
I didn't like our chances of getting a good result here but we actually managed to get 8 MPs. A couple EW made 4 diamonds and one NS pair went down in 1NT. Two other pairs made 3 diamonds. And then 2 EW pairs actually played 2 spades and went down.

Professor Jack disagrees with cashing the A of spades at the end. He wants me to play a low heart. Cashing the spade is wrong when declarer has 5 of them but is probably fine if he has 4 and still has Kx of hearts in hand? I probably could have figured that out from partner's signaling. Oh well.

Ranking after board 36/60: 1/16 with 58.13%

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