Sunday, January 19, 2014

Bridge Match 2 - Board 38

Board 38 - Dealer East - EW Vul

Opponents convention card: Majeure cinquième
Opponents playing strength: Fair

My hand: T 8 5 Q 7 2 J 6 5 9 8 4 3

East opens a powerful 2NT. I'm not surprised since my hand is complete trash. Partner and I do a bunch of passing and they settle into 7 hearts. I hope my Qxx of hearts is worth a trick, but it sure isn't worth doubling!

I lead the 9 of clubs.
A Q 4
K J 9 8 6 3
J T 2
T 8 5
Q 7 2
J 6 5
9 8 4 3
1Transfer to hearts
2Ace asking for hearts
30 or 3 aces
4Asking for Queen of trumps
5No queen

9-2-5-K. Declarer decides to draw trump and somehow he guesses right about which honour to cash first. A-7-3-5. He then takes the finesse. 4-2-J-T. Ok, partner had a 2nd heart so declarer didn't have a choice. He just got lucky. K-9 of spades-2 of spades-Q. Declarer draws more trump. I'm going to hope partner's high spade means he has those covered so I'm going to pitch my spades. 6-7 of diamonds-7 of spades-5 of spades. Now over to diamonds. 3-8-A-5. 2-6-8 of hearts-T. A club back. T-6-A-3. Ruff another diamond. 4-J-9 of hearts-Q.

I wish the AI could claim, since he is up and has been every since he guessed that heart right... And since partner pitched his 4th diamond for no reason. Though he could have just ruffed an extra diamond instead of running the extra trump...
K 9 6 3
T 5
Q T 8 7
7 6 5
A Q 4
K J 9 8 6 3
J T 2
J 7 2
A 4
A K 9 4 2
T 8 5
Q 7 2
J 6 5
9 8 4 3
This is a solo bottom board. Turns out 6 of the tables only made 12 tricks in hearts and the last one made 12 tricks in NT. One other team went all the way to 7 hearts and they went down. I don't see how all these people failed to take 13 tricks. The only way to stop it, I think, is to lead a diamond to start and have North protect his 4 diamonds. Actually, even then they just need to ruff a diamond before drawing trump. Yeah, it's guaranteed as long as south has the Q of hearts and diamonds split 4-3. Which they do at every table...

Professor Jack doesn't like my club lead. He thinks I should lead the 3, not the 9.

Ranking after board 38/60: 2/16 with 56.2%

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