Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bridge Match 2 - Board 37

Board 37 - Dealer North - NS Vul

Opponents convention card: Majeure cinquième
Opponents playing strength: Fair

My hand: 6 A J 8 7 5 A 6 3 T 9 4 2

Partner opens 1 spade and East passes. I bid 1NT. Partner retreats to 2 spades. With him having a minimum and us having a misfit I don't see any reason to keep bidding. Everyone passes.

East leads the Q of diamonds.
A J T 4 3 2
T 3 2
K 9 8
Q J 6
A J 8 7 5
A 6 3
T 9 4 2

I have a diamond loser, 2 club losers, and 2 or 3 spade losers. The extra spade loser goes away on a 3-3 split. I may be able to pitch a diamond on the long club, but only if I draw trump first. I guess I should do that. Entries are potentially an issue too. I think I want to lead a trump from dummy first, so I win this trick there. Q-A-7-9. I play a spade. 6-5-T-Q. East returns another diamond. J-3-4-K. So much for pitching on a club since they've got a diamond set up now. Oh well, nothing I can do about that. Draw more trump and hope they split 3-3 I guess. A-7-5 of hearts-8. J-9-6 of diamonds-K.

They cash a diamond then lead a high heart. I win on board and lead clubs eventually getting my Q. Making 2.
A J T 4 3 2
T 3 2
K 9 8
Q J 6
K 8 5
K Q 6 3 2
T 7 5 4
Q 9 7
9 4
Q J 2
A 8 7 5 3
A J 8 7 5
A 6 3
T 9 4 2
This ends up being a mediocre result worth 6MPs. 4 other pairs played 2 spades and they all made overtricks. Did all the other tables cash clubs first or something? Or somehow get the stiff K to drop? We beat the two tables that passed out the board and the EW pair that went down 1 doubled in 2 hearts.

Captain Jack agrees with me all the way!

Ranking after board 37/60: 1/16 with 57.72%

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