Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 92

Board 92 – Dealer West – NS Vul

My hand: A Q 6 4 T 5 2 4 A K 6 4 3

Partner opens 1 spade in second seat. I bid Jacoby 2NT. Partner bids 3 clubs which I believe shows a singleton or void. I bid 3 diamonds hopefully showing my own singleton. Partner bids 3 spades, bypassing hearts. I don't think we have a slam, so I just bid 4 spades. Partner moves to 4NT. I have 2 keycards and the Q of trump, so I bid 5 spades. He asks for kings. I show 1. He settles into 6 spades. East leads the Q of hearts.

K T 9 7 3 2
A 8 4
A J 6 3


A Q 6 4
T 5 2
A K 6 4 3

West North East South
Pass 1 Pass 2NT1
Pass 32 Pass 3
Pass 3 Pass 4
Pass 4NT3 Pass 54
Pass 5NT5 Pass 66
Pass 6 All Pass
1Jacoby 2NT
2Singleton or Void
3Roman Keycard Blackwood - Spades
4Two Keycards + Queen of Trump
5Blackwood for Kings
6One King

I have 6 spade tricks, a heart, 2 clubs, and a diamond. Unless spades split 3-0 I can easily ruff two diamonds in hand for the missing tricks. Q-2-9-A. Trumps split 2-1 so I ruff two diamonds and make 6.

K T 9 7 3 2
A 8 4
A j 6 3

J 8
K 9 6
K Q T 9 2
J T 2

Q J 7 3
8 7 5
Q 9 8 7 5

A Q 6 4
T 5 2
A K 6 4 3

Professor Jack disagrees with my 3 diamond bid. Apparently it showed 5+ diamonds and fewer than 3 spades. How my first bid can guarantee 3 spades and my second bid can deny 3 spades is a little beyond me. He would have just jumped to 4 spades. After taking the long road I did take though, he would have bid blackwood himself instead of 4 spades. Finally, he would have played for an overtrick instead of drawing the second round of trump and safetying the hand.

The auction is different on the replay but they get into an ace asking sequence and get to 6 spades as well. They try for the overtrick by ruffing 3 diamonds and make it.

Nick: 1430
Jack: 1460
IMPs: -1 (+11 total)


Bung said...

I don't see the danger in ruffing 3 D's. The danger is them getting a H trick in addition, which can only happen if the AK of clubs fail to cash (7-1 or worse! with short suit having the last trump) so you can pitching 2Hs. If they do ruff in on a diamond (and has to be lefty) then you can simply cross ruff the rest of the hand for your 12 tricks.

Ziggyny said...

You're right, the danger is that they ruff the clubs when you pitch the hearts. And the danger of that happening is practically zero here. (And is zero if the opponents preempt like Loungers since there's no way J-empty 7th gets passed.)

I definitely deserved to lose that IMP.