Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 84

Board 84 – Dealer West – All Vul

My hand: T 7 4 2 6 4 3 A K Q 8 A 6

East opens 1 spade in 3rd chair. I don't see a good bid so I pass. West responds 1NT and East bids 2 hearts. With no club support I don't have a bid so I pass again. West retreats to 2 spades which gets passed to me. I think they're going down but I'm not willing to double them into game, so I pass. I lead the A of diamonds.

9 6
K 9 7
6 4 3
K T 9 7 3

T 7 4 2
6 4 3
A K Q 8
A 6

West North East South
Pass Pass 1 Pass
1NT Pass 2 Pass
2 Pass Pass Pass

I wonder why he gave a preference to spades when he had more hearts than spades. Oh well. A-3-2-T. Declarer has at most 4 cards in the minors and I want to find out what they are, so I'm going to continue diamonds. Q-4-5-5 of spades. So declarer is probably 5-4-1-3 with partner 2-3-5-3.

Declarer shifts to the J of clubs. If my count is right then partner probably has Qxx and will win this trick if I duck. But if my count is right he gets his Q later anyway and I want to tap declarer now, so I pop the A. J-A-3-2. I play another diamond. 8-6-7-8 of spades. Declarer plays another club. 5-6-K-4.

Now declarer plays on hearts. 9-8-A-3. 2-4-K-T. 7-J-Q-6. And back to clubs, but he plays the 8 and not the Q so either partner can win this trick or can ruff it. I pitch my diamond. 8-K of diamonds-7-Q.

Partner draws trump. 3-J-2-6. K-4-9-Q. A-7-9 of clubs-9 of diamonds. I win the last trick with the last trump. Making 3.

Q 3
J T 8
J 9 7 5 2
Q 4 2

9 6
K 9 7
6 4 3
K T 9 7 3

A K J 8 5
A Q 5 2
J 8 5

T 7 4 2
6 4 3
A K Q 8
A 6

Professor Jack agrees with me all the way! It's been an awfully long time since that happened.

On the replay declarer takes a different line. He draws a round of trump when he ruffs in and then cashes hearts. He then plays the 13th heart, pitching the diamond from board as North ruffs with his now stiff Q. (South pitching a club.) Declarer then ends up letting his K of clubs get ruffed and still loses the Q of clubs. Making 2.

Nick: -140
Jack: -110
IMPs: -1 (+38 total)

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