Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 80

Board 80 – Dealer West – EW Vul

My hand: 9 Q 7 6 2 A Q T 8 7 5 9 4

West opens 1 club, partner bids 1 spade and East doubles to show 4 hearts. I bid 2 diamonds. West bids 2 hearts, partner passes and East jumps to 3NT which gets passed out. I lead the 8 of diamonds.

K T 2
9 5 3
A K J T 6 2

Q 7 6 2
A Q T 8 7 5
9 4

West North East South
1 1 Double1 2
2 Pass 3NT All Pass

8-J-2-3. I guess maybe the Q would have been a better start? Oh well, hopefully partner gets in and fires back a diamond for me.

Declarer starts in on hearts. 3-8-A-6. K-2-5-J. Now he switches to clubs. 3-9-K-5. And then over to spades. T-3-7-9. K-6-4-4 of clubs. 2-8-J-7 of hearts. A-5 of diamonds-9 of hearts-5.

Back to clubs. 7-7 of diamonds-A-Q. Guess dummy is up. Making 7.

Q 8 6 5 3
J 8
9 6 4 2
Q 5

K T 2
9 5 3
A K J T 6 2

A J 7 4
A K T 4
K 3
8 7 3

Q 7 6 2
A Q T 8 7 5
9 4

So if I don't lead a diamond they get held to 6. If partner plays his spade suit right they lose another trick, too. Oh well. (Also, why didn't partner bid 4 diamonds with 4 of them?)

Professor Jack disagrees with my lead. He wants me to lead my stiff spade for partner. I think my suit rates to be better than his, and all I need from him to set mine up is pretty much any doubleton and an outside entry. If I had a second spade, then maybe.

Next he disagrees with my 6 of hearts. He wants me to signal high with the 7.

Finally he disagrees with my small irrelevant heart pitch when they're clearly up. Oh well.

On the replay partner passes to start so they bid 1 club and 1 heart to my seat. He jumps to 3 diamonds which gets passed around to East. East doubles competitively and West pulls to 4 hearts. The defense takes 3 tricks so they're just in.

Nick: -720
Jack: -620
IMPs: -3 (+24 total)

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