Monday, December 06, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 83

Board 83 – Dealer South – EW Vul

My hand: T A Q J T 6 5 Q T 5 J 4 2

I open 2 hearts. Partner bids 2NT which should ask me for a feature for 3NT. A 10 count with a really solid suit should be feature enough, so I just bid 3NT. Partner pulls to 4 hearts which gets passed out. West leads the 3 of spades.

8 7
K 7 3
A 6 4 2
A K 7 6

A Q J T 6 5
Q T 5
J 4 2

West North East South
Pass2NT2 Pass 3NT3
Pass4 All Pass
1Weak Two
2Max w/ no feature

I have 6 hearts, 2 clubs, and a diamond off the top. I can't get a ruff in dummy but I have a chance to build an extra trick in either clubs (East has the Q or 3-3 split) or in diamonds (East has the K or J or 3-3 split). Loserwise I have one spade loser and whatever goes wrong in the minors which could be as many as 2 diamonds and a club.

If hearts split 2-2 I can endplay West by ruffing out the spades and leading anything into him. Probably the anything should be a diamond to the T, since if he wins the J he has to lead a diamond or a club which I will duck to hand, setting up a trick no matter what. That seems like a reasonable preliminary plan and I'll fall back in finesses and 3-3 splits if I can't make that happen.

At any rate, a spade. 3-8-Q-T. East could have lead a diamond to break up my endplay plan but instead cashes the A of spades. Or tries too, anyway. A-Q of hearts-2-7. I draw trump. A-4-3-8. 5-4 of spades-K-2. East still has the 9 of hearts but that doesn't hurt me. I can endplay West, so I lead a diamond. 2-8-T-J. West returns a diamond. 7-4-3-Q. I draw trump and test to see if diamonds are 3-3. They aren't, so I check if the Q of clubs is doubleton. It's not, so I lose a club. Making 4.

8 7
K 7 3
A 6 4 2
A K 7 6

J 5 4 3 2
K J 9 7
Q T 5

A K Q 9 6
9 8 2
8 3
9 8 3

A Q J T 6 5
Q T 5
J 4 2

Professor Jack disagrees with my opening bid. Apparently it isnt suitable for a weak two opening bid and instead should have been opened 3 hearts. Now, I actually thought this when I was bidding. I really wish someone would explain to me why he thinks this isn't a weak two though, since it's pretty much THE definition of a weak two bid that I was taught.

He then disagrees with my 3NT bid. Apparently QT5 is good enough to show as a feature and he wants me to bid 3 diamonds. I think of a feature as an A or K. Am I wrong here?

On the replay my hand opens 2 hearts as a weak two bid. Maybe something I changed on my convention card makes him think my weak twos need to be really weak? He does show the diamond feature and North goes straight to 4 hearts.

The play starts the same, with a spade and then a spade ruff. Declarer draws two rounds of trump, ending in his hand, and plays a club to the K. A diamond is finesses to the T and J, endplaying West the same as I did. West returns a diamond which is ducked to the Q. Also making 4.

Nick: 420
Jack: 420
IMPs: +0 (+39 total)

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