Friday, October 22, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 58

Board 58 – Dealer East – All Vul

My hand: A Q J 7 3 4 2 A K J 4 J 9

I open 1 spade in second seat. West doubles and East bids 2 hearts which gets passed out. I lead the A of diamonds.

K 4
7 6 2
A K 6 5 4

A Q J 7 3
4 2
A K J 4
J 9

West North East South
Pass 1
Double Pass 2 All Pass

A-2-3-8. If partner can't encourage I don't want to play another diamond. It looks like declarer might want to ruff a spade on board so I play a trump. 4-T-Q-6. Partner fires a diamond back. 5-T-J-6. I cash the K of diamonds. K-7-9-Q. And now another heart through. 2-J-K-5. Partner draws the last of dummy's trump. 8-3-7 of spades-A.

Now declarer starts cashing clubs. 4-8-Q-9. 3-J-K-2. A-7-5 of spades-3 of spades. 5-T-7 of hearts-J of spades.

Declarer tries to steal the K of spades but I hop with the A. I think I'm giving up but I cash the 13th diamond just in case. It holds. Then partner ruffs the K of spades. Down 3.

9 8
K Q 9 8
9 5 3
T 8 7 2

K 4
7 6 2
A K 6 5 4

T 6 5 2
7 6 5 3
Q T 8
Q 3

A Q J 7 3
4 2
A K J 4
J 9

Professor Jack disagrees with my pass. He'd get in there with 2 spades. Without a 6th spade and with partner passing over West's double I'm not so sure that's a good idea.

On the replay my seat does get in there with 2 spades which gets passed out. The defense seems to do everything it can to give tricks to declarer and they make up 1, but I'm not actually sure they could have taken anything more.

Nick: 300
Jack: 140
IMPs: +4 (+10 total)

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