Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 56

Board 56 – Dealer West – No Vul

My hand: T K J 9 6 2 A T A J 6 5 2

Partner opens 1NT in second seat and East passes. I bid 2 diamonds as a transfer to hearts. Partner super accepts by jumping to 3 hearts. I cuebid 4 clubs and partner cuebids 4 spades. I bid 4NT to make sure partner has the A of trump. He bids 5 spades showing 2 keycards with the Q of trump. We have all the aces and trump locked up solid. I bid 5NT to check for kings. Partner bids 6 diamonds showing only 1 king. I know of 13 of his points, so he has between 2 and 4 points in Q's and J's. If those points are in clubs we can probably make 7, but I don't want to risk it. We're still short two kings, after all. I bid 6 hearts and everyone passes. East leads the 7 of diamonds.

A J 3
A Q 8 3
K Q J 4
7 3


K J 9 6 2
A J 6 5 2

West North East South
Pass 1NT Pass 21
Pass 32 Pass 43
Pass 44 Pass 4NT5
Pass 56 Pass 5NT7
Pass 68 Pass 6
Pass Pass Pass
2Super-accept (5 hearts or 4 hearts and max)
3Control in clubs for hearts
4Control in spades for hearts
5Blackwood for hearts
62 aces and queen of trump
7King ask
71 king

Well, I have 5 hearts, 1 spade, 4 diamonds, and a club right off the top. I need to find a 12th trick somewhere which could easily be 2 spade ruffs on board or a club ruff in hand. There's no way to get a 13th trick so I should just take the safest path to 12 which has to be win this on board, draw trump and concede a club. The first diamond doesn't get ruffed and hearts split 3-1 so there's really nothing to the play. Making 6.

A J 3
A Q 8 3
K Q J 4
7 3

Q 9 8 4 2
9 6 3 2

K 7 6 5
7 5 4
8 7 5
9 8 4

K J 9 6 2
A J 6 5 2

Professor Jack disagrees with my 5NT bid. He says it's the wrong time to try for slam and would just bid 6 hearts. I guess it wasn't really possible that I could build a hand for partner that would go to 7 so I was just revealing information to the opponents by asking.

On the replay the auction is almost identical. They're playing normal Blackwood instead of keycard so North shows just 2 aces. South bids 6 hearts instead of asking for kings.

They got the same lead and took the same line of play. Also making 6.

Nick: 980
Jack: 980
IMPs: 0 (-6 total)

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