Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 54

Board 54 – Dealer East – EW Vul

My hand: K T 8 3 7 K T 7 5 3 T 6 5

Partner opens 1 heart in 4th seat. East overcalls 1NT showing 4-6 clubs, 4-6 diamonds, and 6-12 points. I pass, as do West and North. I lead the 3 of spades.

J 9 7 4 2
Q T 3 2
J 2
A 7

K T 8 3
K T 7 5 3
T 6 5

West North East South
Pass Pass
Pass 1 1NT1 All Pass

3-9-A-5. Partner shifts to a diamond. Q-A-7-2. Declarer decides to play on diamonds too. 4-K-J-6. If I lead diamonds declarer gets 2 of them, so I have to find another suit. Might as well lead partner's suit now!

7-2-K-5. Partner cashes his A, setting up 2 tricks for declarer on board. A-J-5 of clubs-3. Partner puts declarer on board with a heart. 9-2 of clubs-6 of clubs-T.

Declarer cashes the A of clubs. A-9-4-T. And then the Q of hearts. Q-4-3 of clubs-3 of diamonds. And then throws partner in with a club. 7-K-8-8 of spades. And now he cashes a heart, 8-J of clubs-T of spades-2 of spades. He then cashes another heart and leads the Q of spades to my K. I then win the T of diamonds as well. (It turns out it was high and I'm a moron. Oh well!) Down 3.

A Q 6
A K 9 8 6 4
Q 6
K 9

J 9 7 4 2
Q T 3 2
 J 2
 A 7

J 5
A 9 8 4
Q J 8 4 3 2

K T 8 3
K T 7 5 3
T 6 5

Professor Jack disagrees with my opening lead. The 3 of spades is the systematic lead but he'd have lead the 7 of hearts instead.

He also disagrees with my second club pitch and wants me to pitch a diamond instead. Not sure I see why.

The auction is the same on the replay. My seat actually leads a heart but things go off the rails somehow. Declarer wins the second heart trick and sets up his clubs while he still has a diamond entry to his hand. The defense cashes out and only comes to 6 tricks and declarer gets the rest when he gets in the second time. Making 1. I guess the key was we took out declarer's diamond entry before he played clubs so he couldn't set them up?

Nick: 300
Jack: -90
IMPs: +9 (-6 total)

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