Sunday, June 15, 2014

Bridge Match 2 - Board 59

Board 59 - Dealer South - None Vul

Opponents convention card: Dutch Acol
Opponents playing strength: Intermediate

My hand: J T 7 6 4 2 K T 7 3 9 4 3

Partner opens 1 heart in 3rd seat. East overcalls 2 diamonds. My hand is too bad to take an action here so I pass. Partner continues on to 3 clubs and East moves to 3 spades. My hand seems to hit the opponent, not my partner. I understand he's probably got a pretty good hand but I just don't mesh with him at all. I wonder if I should double? I have a trump trick and they've got to be as misfitted as we are. I really don't want partner to bid again. Eh, I also don't want to double them into game. Partner then bids 4 hearts. Fine partner, you win. Everyone passes.

East leads the K of spades.
9 5
A Q J 8 7 6
A K Q 6
J T 7 6
4 2
K T 7 3
9 4 3

Well, I sure have 3 losers off the top and I'm missing the K of hearts. Way to bid game all on your own with only 16 points partner. They cash 3 tricks off the top and then lead a 3rd round of spades. I have to ruff it but then I can't even try to finesse hearts. I'm actually going to lose a club, too, unless they split 3-3 because I have no way to get to board and take my K of diamonds. Nothing crazy happens in hearts or clubs and they get those tricks.

Down 2.
9 5
A Q J 8 7 6
A K Q 6
A 3 2
T 5
6 5 2
J T 8 7 5
K Q 8 4
K 9 3
A Q J 9 4
J T 7 6
4 2
K T 7 3
9 4 3
One table played 3 spades doubled and set them 2 so apparently that would have been the winning play from my side. 1 table played 3 only hearts, down 1, for second place. 3 of us went down 2 in 4 hearts and 3 went down 3 in 4 hearts. One of those last ones was even doubled. So we do get 8 MPs out of this. Hurray?

Jack disagrees with my third pass. He thinks I should have doubled them. And I guess I was pretty sure to have at least 2 tricks and partner has been bidding like crazy... He might have 3 tricks? The big thing was East only had 4 spades which surprised me. We probably get to tap them in clubs and then run hearts...

Ranking after board 59/60: 1/16 with 63.44%

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