Monday, December 29, 2014

Bridge Match 3 - Board 43

Board 43 - Dealer South - None Vul

Opponents convention card: Jack
Opponents playing strength: Advanced

My hand: K 7 5 3 6 5 3 2 9 3 9 4 3

Well, no danger of me confusing Jack with my bids on this hand! West opens 1 spade, partner overcalls 2 clubs, and East makes a negative double. I do have 3 card support for partner, terrible as it is. Ok, I can do this. I bid 3 clubs. It gets passed around to East who doubles again, this time competitive. West pulls to 3 spades.

Partner leads the K of clubs.
K J 8 7
K Q J T 4
T 7 6
K 7 5 3
6 5 3 2
9 3
9 4 3

K-6-3-2. A-7-4-8. Partner should know now that declarer is out of clubs. He decides to make declarer ruff which is probably a good choice on this misfit of a hand. Declarer then draws some trump. 4-8-9-K.

I'm in, for probably the only time ever. I can throw declarer back in with a trump if I want, or I can lead something juicy for dummy. His diamonds are super solid so leading them can't hurt and I may be able to cut communication for declarer by doing so. Run it. 9-A-2-4. Declarer draws all my trump and still has a diamond left to lead to dummy, so he is up.

Making 4.
8 2
A Q 4
7 6 2
A K Q J 5
A Q J T 6 4
T 9
A 8 5
8 2
K J 8 7
K Q J T 4
T 7 6
K 7 5 3
6 5 3 2
9 3
9 4 3
We are the only table to let them take 10 tricks in spades, so we get a flat bottom. 5 tables played in diamonds which is worth less being a minor and all, and the other 2 tables in spades took their A of h earts.

Jack doesn't like my club bid. I think it should be a weak to very weak bid. I'm a passed hand and can redouble with relevant values. We're not trying to find a game at this point, we're trying to make them play in the wrong spot. We made them play in the right spot, it turns out, but you can't always win. Taking away the 2 level rates to put them in the wrong spot more often than it puts them out of the wrong spot I would think.

Ranking after board 43/60: 10/16 with 49.34%

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