Thursday, December 25, 2014

Bridge Match 3 - Board 40

Board 40 - Dealer West - None Vul

Opponents convention card: Majeure Cinquième
Opponents playing strength: Good

My hand: 9 6 J 3 J 9 4 J T 8 5 3 2

Parter opens 1 spade in 2nd seat. East overcalls 2 hearts. My hand is really, really bad. I do have 6 clubs, but I have no possible entry to my hand. My hand does not help partner out. So I pass. West jumps to 4 hearts. They shouldn't be able to make game after we opened, but then again I have a 3 count. Take it away, opponents!

I lead the 6 of spades.
A Q 5
Q 8 7 4 2
K 5 3
9 6
9 6
J 3
J 9 4
J T 8 5 3 2

6-5-T-K. Well, looks like they have spades locked up! Declarer decides to draw some trump. A-3-2-K. 5-J-Q-8 of diamonds. Things are looking very good for the other team. They switch to clubs. 6-4-A-8. Cash a spade, cash a club, finesse diamonds. 6-4-K-A. Partner finally took a trick! Woo!

Partner cashes another diamond and then tries for a third but declarer ruffs. Dummy is up. Making 5.
J T 7 3 2
A Q 8 7 2
Q 4
A Q 5
Q 8 7 4 2
K 5 3
9 6
K 8 4
A T 8 6 5
T 6
A K 7
9 6
J 3
J 9 4
J T 8 5 3 2
6 tables played 4 hearts making 5. 2 tables played 4 hearts making 6. So we get 9 MPs on this hand.

Jack disagrees with my spade lead because I lead low. I was thinking that we're playing Rusinow leads and therefore the 9 would show the T. But since it was partner's bid suit of course that wouldn't be the case. Oops. It sure didn't change the outcome of the hand though!

Ranking after board 40/60: 8/16 with 52.32%

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