Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Bridge Match 3 - Board 37

Board 37 - Dealer North - NS Vul

Opponents convention card: Majeure Cinquième
Opponents playing strength: Good

My hand: J 9 7 5 K 6 3 K 9 J T 6 3

West opens 1NT in 4th chair. East bids 2NT which is a transfer to diamonds. West completes the transfer and that is that.

Partner leads the K of clubs.
Q 4 2
Q J 7
Q J T 6 4 2
J 9 7 5
K 6 3
K 9
J T 6 3
1Transfer to diamonds
2No support

K-2-6-4. Partner continues clubs despite dummy having none left. A-2 of diamonds-3-5. Declarer then decides to draw trump. T-9-8-3. 4-K-A-5. Now a spade to board. 3-8-Q-7. And now draw the last trump. J-J of clubs-5 of hearts-7. Back to spades. 2-5-A-6. K-2 of hearts-4-9. Ruff a club, then a heart to his T finessing me out of my king. But then he has to give it to me at the end anyway. Making 5.
8 6
9 8 4 2
7 5 3
A K Q 8
A K T 3
A T 5
A 8
9 7 5 4
Q 4 2
Q J 7
Q J T 6 4 2
J 9 7 5
K 6 3
K 9
J T 6 3
We actually get a (tied) top board on this one, reversing our terrible trend of bottoming out. 4 tables bid 3NT and made (one made 6!) and one table actually made it to 6 diamonds and made 6. The remaining tables played 3 diamonds with one table making 5 and one making 6. So declarer pitching badly in hearts and not taking the spade finesse cost him a couple MPs. I'll take it!

Jack disagrees with my spade signal. He wants me to play high to signal event. I played the 7 from J975! I thought I was playing high! I guess since he'd played the 8 already my 7 and 9 were equivalent so I should have used the 9, but I know he'd be yelling at me if the 8 was outstanding even if it would later cost us a trick to lose a potentially high card in the 9.

Ranking after board 37/60: 5/16 with 53.67%

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