Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bridge Match 2 - Board 22

Board 22 – Dealer East – EW Vul

Opponents convention card: Bridge World Standard
Opponents playing strength: Fair

My hand: ♠ 7 4 Q 4 3 9 8 6 5 3 A J T

East opens 1 club. I pass. West responds 1 spade. Partner passes. East retreats to 1NT. West bids 3 diamonds, East bids 3NT.

I lead the Q of hearts.
A K Q 5 3
8 6
A T 4 2

7 4
Q 4 3
9 8 6 5 3

West North East South
1 Pass
1 Pass 1NT Pass
3 Pass 3NT All Pass

Q-5-7-A. They switch to diamonds. Q-3-2-J. And now to spades. 2-7-Q-9. Back to hearts. 6-2-T-3. Spades. 6-4-K-8. Diamonds. 4-7 of clubs-K-5. They have 6 tricks in, and 3 high cards on board. I don't think we get to set them! They proceed to cash those 3 tricks and then give up the lead and we cash 4 tricks. Just in.

J T 9 8
J 7 2
K 7 4 3 2

A K Q 5 3
8 6 5
A T 4 2

6 2
A K T 9
K Q 7
Q 9 6 5

♠ 7 4
Q 4 3
9 8 6 5 3

3NT just in is good enough for a shared top board, for 13MPs. It turns out all 8 tables played 3NT but they made up one 3 times and up two 3 times. I imagine most teams played clubs early and gave them the club Q? Or maybe most declarers set up the 5th spade?

Captain Jack disagrees with my Q of hearts lead. He wanted me to lead the 3 of hearts. I was worried doing so would confuse partner about how many hearts I had. On the other hand leading an unsupported honour didn't feel right either. My assertion was that it was the unbid suit and therefore hopefully wouldn't hurt too much. But I would have chosen a low diamond over a low heart I think.

Ranking after board 22/60: 6/16 with 52.27%

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