Sunday, May 26, 2013

Bridge Match 2 - Board 2

Board 2 – Dealer East – NS Vul

Opponents convention card: Majeure cinquième.
Opponents playing strength: Adequate.

My hand: ♠ K 8 6 5 3  J 9 7 6  8 7 6  3

East and I pass. West opens 2 clubs, strong. Partner passes. East bids 2 diamonds showing 0-7 points. West bids 2NT, East goes to 3NT which gets passed out.

Partner leads the 7 of clubs.

9 4 2
T 8 5
J 9
A J T 6 5

K 8 6 5 3
J 9 7 6
8 7 6

West North East South
Pass Pass
21 Pass 22 Pass
2NT Pass 3NT All Pass
20-7 Points

7-5-3-K. Declarer likes clubs so much he keeps playing them. 2-8-T-6 of diamonds. Now he leads a spade off of board. 2-3-A-J. And now diamonds. 5-4-J-8. Back to clubs. A-7 of diamonds-3 of hearts-4. Back to spades. 4-5-T-2 of diamonds. 7-3 of diamonds-9-K. I'm in! I doubt we can cash any hearts off the top. But setting up a spade doesn't help unless I have a heart entry, which is really only true if we have all the hearts anyway. I also don't know that I want to be the one breaking hearts here. Eh, toss him in with a spade then. 8-Q-4 of hearts-5 of hearts.

Declarer cashes a diamond. Q-T-9-6 of hearts. And another. K-9 of clubs-6 of clubs-6 of spades. And another. A-Q of hearts-8 of hearts-7 of hearts. Then the A of hearts. Finally I get a heart at the end. Making 5.

 K Q 4
T 4 3 2
Q 9 8 7 4

A Q T 7
A 3 2
A K Q 5
 K 2

9 4 2
T 8 5
J 9
A J T 6 5

♠ K 8 6 5 3
J 9 7 6
8 7 6

Professor Jack agrees with me all the way. We could have taken more tricks if partner had lead a heart I guess?

4 of the pairs held 3NT to just in. 1 held it to +1. 3 of us were +2. So I get 2 of 14 MPs.

Ranking after board 2/60: 16/16 with 7.14%

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