Saturday, July 02, 2011

Through The Ages Online

Through The Ages: A Story of Civilization is a board game which simulates the video game series, Civilization. (Which itself simulated the board game, Civilization.) It's a fun, if lengthy, board game which abstracts away most of the city micromanagement of the computer game. Instead you have a finite number of actions to take each turn which you use to build up resources and score points. You have food, production, and research. You use the food to make workers, then you use the production to turn your workers into buildings which make more resources or into military units which can help you attack other players.

Robb showed me a website which allows you to play the game online. Many online board game sites are set up such that you play in real time as though you were all around a table. This one is different. Because most actions require no immediate response from other players you're able to log in, play a turn, and then wait for the next player to come play. It seems like it will take an awfully long time to finish a game but at the same time it won't take up too much time in any given sitting.

Anyone up for a game?

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