Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bridge Match 1 - Board 113

Board 113 – Dealer North – No Vul

My hand: K Q 2 T 4 2 T 8 K 9 8 6 3

West opens 1 diamond in fourth seat. East responds 1 heart. I pass again. West jumps to 3 diamonds. East bids 3 hearts. West gives up and bids 3NT. East doesn't care and bids 4 hearts which gets passed out.

I'm on lead. I'm thinking West is probably something like 3-1-6-3 and East is 2-7-1-3. I'm thinking leading a diamond to try to cut communication and maybe start tapping declarer sounds good. I lead the T of diamonds.

A 3
8 6
A K J 9 6 5
A 4 2

K Q 2
T 4 2
T 8
K 9 8 6 3

West North East South
Pass Pass Pass
1 Pass 1Pass
3 Pass 3Pass
3NT Pass 4All Pass

T-K-7-2. Partner encouraged, so he must have the Q. Declarer cashes a second diamond, pitching a club. A-3-5 of clubs-8. Then he draws trump. 6-7-K-4. Q-2-8-J. A-T-2 of clubs-T of clubs. And another. What is he trying to do? He had 6 diamonds and 1 heart, so he started with 6 black cards. He has 10 tricks guaranteed. I'm going to keep all my spades and Kx of clubs, so I start pitching clubs. He ends up taking a ruffing finesse in diamonds and takes all 13 tricks. They have a 26 point frigidly cold grand. Huh.

T 7 5 4
J 7
Q 7 4 3

A 3
8 6
A K J 9 6 5
A 4 2

J 9 8 6
A K Q 9 5 3
7 5

K Q 2
T 4 2
T 8
K 9 8 6 3

Professor Jack disagrees with my diamond lead. He wants me to lead the K of spades, though he agrees the T of diamonds in the systematic lead.

On the replay the bidding is the same. They manage to take their 13 tricks for a push.

Nick: -510
Jack: -510
IMPs: 0 (-8 total)

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