Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bridge Match 1 - Board 111

Board 111 – Dealer South – NS Vul

My hand: Q J T 5 8 7 A K T 6 3 K 5

I open 1 diamond. Partner responds 1 heart. I bid 1 spade. West finally gets in there with 2 clubs. Partner jumps to 3 spades. I go on to 4. West leads the A of clubs.

9 4 3 2
K Q J T 3
8 4
Q 3

Q J T 5
8 7
A K T 6 3
K 5

West North East South
Pass1 Pass 1
PassPass Pass

Huh. Why did partner jump in support with only 8 points? We have 2 spade losers, a heart, and a club. There's no way to avoid any of them. Nothing gets ruffed by the opponents before I can get rid of all their trump so I'm down 1.

9 4 3 2
K Q J T 3
8 4
Q 3

A 7
5 2
J 7 5
A 8 7 6 4 2

K 8 6
A 9 6 4
Q 9 2
J T 9

Q J T 5
8 7
A K T 6 3
K 5

Professor Jack disagrees with drawing the second round of trump when I did. He wants me to lead a heart instead. Maybe his plan is to have West duck his A or something? I donno, with trumps 3, 4, 5, and 6 I like just pounding out trump and then winning my side suit winners.

On the replay the opponents don't get in there with 2 clubs at any turn. North still jumps to 3 spades but my hand wimps out. They lose the same obvious 4 tricks and make.

Nick: -100
Jack: 140
IMPs: -6 (-6 total)

1 comment:

Sky said...

I am not sure why you accepted. You have the flattest distribution possible for your bidding and a minimum in points. Of course I don't see why your partner invited either... you just have a minimum opposite a minimum.