Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bridge Match 1 - Board 103

Board 103 – Dealer South – EW Vul

My hand: Q A 7 3 2 K J 8 2 A 8 4 3

I open 1 club. Partner responds 1 heart, Walsh. I bid 2 hearts and he raises to 4. East leads the T of diamonds.

A J 7 4
Q 9 8 6 4
Q 7 5 4


A 7 3 2
K J 8 2
A 8 4 3

West North East South
Pass11 Pass 2
Pass4 All Pass

I have 3 or 4 hearts, 1 spade, and 1 club. I can easily set up 2 and maybe 3 diamonds. I can set up a spade trick and can ruff a couple spades. Loserwise I will lose a diamond and at least one heart. I also have 2 spade losers, maybe 3 if I don't finesse. And they might ruff a diamond off the top. Lets see!

T-2-3-Q. Board has lots of high cards but surprisingly few entries. I can brute force a diamond entry later, but I need trump gone before I do that. I guess that's actually good enough, so I draw trump. 4-5-A-T. 2-K-6-J. West shifts to a club. I don't know if my long diamond is set up or not, so I want to delay my pitch. So I ruff in. 2-8 of hearts-9-3.

I play a diamond. 4-6-K-A. My diamonds are now set up. I have 8 tricks now on a cross-ruff. Making 5.

A J 7 4
Q 9 8 6 4
Q 7 5 4

9 8 6 3
A 3
Q T 7 5 2

K T 5 2
J 5
T 9 6
K J 9 6

A 7 3 2
K J 8 2
A 8 4 3

Professor Jack disagrees with my opening bid. He wants me to open 1 diamond with 4-4 in the minors. I wanted to have a Walsh auction so I started with 1 club. he then disagrees with bidding 2 hearts. My hand is basically a bare minimum and partner could have a 6 count with Walsh. I think bidding low is wise. He wants mt to jump to 3.

He then disagrees with drawing trump and wants me to cash my A of spades, giving up completely on scoring the Q or J. Finally once I've drawn 1 round of trump he again wants me to play spades, though at least this time I can finesse.

On the replay my hand opens 1 diamond and jumps to 3 hearts. They end up playing 4 hearts. Their East choses to lead a spade away from the K, so declarer's Q scores. He draws 1 round of trump, ruffs a club, and draws a second from board, giving up a trick if West started with KJT. It doesn't matter, of course, and they make 5 as well.

Nick: 650
Jack: 650
IMPs: +0 (+17 total)

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