Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bridge Match 1 - Board 108

Board 108 – Dealer West – NS Vul

My hand: A J A A Q J T 8 7 3 2 A K

The astute among you will note I've skipped a hand. I was showing the software to a friend on the weekend and he played a hand to see what it was like and I'll end up confused with vulnerabilities if I try to go back. And this hand is awesome and I don't want to waste it. That too. The hand he played was a push anyway.

It's three passes to me. I open 2 clubs. Partner bids 2 diamonds which is waiting which I still don't understand. I bid 3 diamonds. Partner jumps to 4 hearts. So clearly he has something somewhere. If I big Blackwood he's going to think it's for hearts. I can ask him for the Q of hearts and that will let me know how many kings he has. (Unless he is off A and Q of hearts.) If he has two I want to play in 7 diamonds. What if he has 1? Then he'll have bid 6 diamonds and I can pass. The only danger is he pulls 7 diamonds to 7 hearts but I don't think that will happen.

He bids 5 clubs, showing 1 or 4 keycards. (Clearly 1, the K of hearts. Now if he has any entry at all I can pitch my spade loser. So if he has the K of diamonds I make 7. I bid 5 diamonds to ask for the Q of trump. He bids 5 hearts denying it and saying nothing about kings. I bid 5 NT. He bids 6 hearts, showing 2 kings so 7 is cold. I bid 7 diamonds and he passes.

It turns out my bids didn't mean what I thought they did, so I hope I'm not screwed. Oh well!

And the reason my bids didn't mean what I thought they did is I didn't reset the convention card after Aidan played so I'm using SAYC. Not sure how to handle this. All his bids showed were some hearts and no aces. Nothing about kings at all. I'm going to replay with my actual card before I see the layout and hope I get to 7 diamonds anyway.

The auction ends up the same up to 4NT. He shows 0 or 3 keycards. I ask for the Q of trump with 5 spades and he bids 6 diamonds showing 1. I now know he doesn't have the K of hearts and has only one other king. So I have 12 tricks and my only chance at 13 is he has a black queen and I have a working finesse for a missing king. That doesn't seem likely so I pass 6 diamonds. That was my plan earlier when I was going to ask for the Q of hearts, so I don't feel too bad about passing here. I don't feel like I gained anything from the bad auction.

I pass. East leads the J of clubs.

K T 9 4
Q T 9 6 3 2

7 3 2


A Q J T 8 7 3 2

West North East South
Pass Pass Pass 21
Pass 22 Pass 33
Pass 4 Pass 4NT4
Pass 55 Pass 56
Pass 67 All Pass
4Ace Asking for Hearts
50 or 3 Aces
6Queen Ask
7Queen of Trumps and 1 King

Well, as long as diamonds aren't 5-0 I have 12 tricks. If they're 4-1 with a stiff K I have 13. The lead isn't ruffed. Diamonds are 3-2. So I make 6.

K T 9 4
Q T 9 6 3 2

7 3 2

Q 8 7 6 5
J 8 5
K 5
Q 5 4

3 2
K 7 4
9 6 4
J T 9 8 6

A Q J T 8 7 3 2

Professor Jack disagrees with my slam try. He wouldn't bid 5 spades, he would have just bid 6 diamonds. See, I think if he shows 2 kings you're cold for 7 so it's really worth asking.

The auction is pretty similar at the other table. South asking for aces, North says 0 or 4, South bids 6 diamonds. I wonder why he bothered asking a question he knew the answer to when he could have just big 6 diamonds if he wasn't willing to investigate further for 2 kings for 7. At any rate, they are also cold for 6.

Nick: 1370
Jack: 1370
IMPs: 0 (-1 total)


Anonymous said...

Sorry that my playing a board messed things up. I'm thinking I'm going to pick the game up though, as it looks pretty snazzy. What a massive hand!

Ziggyny said...

I bought it from Vince Oddy Bridge which seems to be a local distributor of bridge supplies. Let me know if you do decide to buy from them as I might want to get some random stuff from them too and will piggyback along.