Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bridge Match 1 - Board 112

Board 112 – Dealer West – EW Vul

My hand: Q J 9 3 Q 8 3 A K 9 5 T 8

Partner opens 1 club and East overcalls 1 spade. I pass. Partner pulls to 2 clubs. I should bid 2 or 3 NT here I think. Assuming partner has 5 club tricks and they lead spades then I should have 9 tricks. Yeah, good enough. I bid 3NT which gets passed out. West leads the J of hearts. *gulp*

K 7 2
7 4
4 3
A K Q 9 7 5


Q J 9 3
Q 8 3
A K 9 5
T 8

West North East South
Pass 1 1 Pass
Pass 2 Pass 3NT
Pass Pass Pass

Well, partner has 5 club tricks for me, probably 6. Unfortunately he has a spade stopper and not a heart stopper. Unless East has both the AK of hearts I'm down 1 off the top. J-4-K-3. East returns a low heart. The only way I'm not down is he's underleading his A here (or West lead low from AJ tight?) so I pop the Q. 5-Q-A-7. He continues the T of hearts. I have tricks out the ying-yang after they cash out. It turns out West has 5 hearts so I lose 6 tricks. Down 2.

K 7 2
7 4
4 3
A K Q 9 7 5

A J T 6 2
J T 8 7
J 3 2

A T 8 7 5
K 9 5
Q 6 2
6 4

Q J 9 3
Q 8 3
A K 9 5
T 8

Professor Jack disagrees with my initial pass. He wants me to jump to 2NT right off the bat. I was sort of hoping partner would reopening double and we'd get to mash them, but maybe that was a pipe dream. (It turns out West runs to 2 hearts and partner jumps to 3NT with no stopper in the new suit. Great?)

On the replay my seat bids 2NT instead of passing. Partner raises to 3. West finds the heart lead. Declarer chooses to risk going down a lot to have a shot at going down only 1 by cashing his diamonds and banking everything on clubs coming home. They do, so he's down 1. (West also doesn't lead to East's A of spades. Sigh.)

Nick: -100
Jack: -50
IMPs: -2 (-8 total)

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