Sunday, August 10, 2014

Bridge Match 3 - Board 7

Board 7 - Dealer South - All Vul

Opponents convention card: Dutch Acol
Opponents playing strength: Advanced

My hand: 9 T 7 3 K 9 3 Q J 7 6 5 3

I open with a nice light vulnerable 3 club preempt. West bids 3 diamonds which gets passed back to me. Enjoy 3 diamonds!

Partner leads the 4 of clubs. *snicker*
K Q 8 7 4 3
9 8
T 4
K 9 8
T 7 3
K 9 3
Q J 7 6 5 3

4-8-J-A. West plays a spade. J-6-Q-9. Now he draws trump. 4-3-A-7. Another diamond, this one to partner. 2-J-T-9. Partner cashes a heart. A-8-3-6. And another. K-9-7-2. He tries for yet one more. Q-3 of spades-T-5 of diamonds. Now a spade. A-2-4-?

Am I supposed to ruff this? Partner should have an even number of clubs... I had 1 and East had 6. Which means either partner has 2 and declarer has 4 or the other way around. I don't see how that helps me. I am a little worries that partner has the Q of diamonds and declarer could make it drop if he drew trump? But that would mean he only had 5 diamonds for his bid. Could declarer really be 4-2-5-2? If he is 4-2-6-1 do we have a play? He's up if he is. What if he's 2-2-6-3? Then he could always throw me in and force me to lead a club for him. So I might as well assert partner has the Q of diamonds and ruff here.

I ruff and play a low club. Partner shows out. Declarer ruffs a spade, plays a club back, and is up. Making 3.
T 6 5 2
A K Q J 5 4
J 7
6 2
A Q 8 6 5 2
A T 2
K Q 8 7 4 3
9 8
T 4
K 9 8
T 7 3
K 9 3
Q J 7 6 5 3
Two tables played in 3 diamonds just in. One played 3 spades making 4. One played 4 spades making 4. One played 4 spades making 5. Three times my side went down 2 tricks in 3 hearts. All told this means we get a whopping 13 MPs for a split top board. Woo!

Captain Jack thinks my hand isn't good enough for a preempt. Well, Jack, did we keep them out of their spade game or not? That's what I thought!

Ranking after board 7/60: 8/16 with 55.1%

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