Saturday, March 31, 2012

League of Legends: Better!

My ranked team has inflated our numbers up to 9 people which has caused us to play a lot of ranked games in recent days. I've found myself playing Nasus a fair amount of the time (one of our team set-ups has Yi jungling so we have no one tanky; other times they're playing champions Nasus fares well against) and have had some bad games but some very good games. It's felt like my Q has gotten to extreme values lately and I wanted to compare to the numbers the last couple times I posted to see if things are actually better...

After 20 minutes
Nov - 94 creep kills, +189 on Q
Jan - 123 creep kills, +237 on Q
Mar - 137 creep kills, +300 on Q
pro - ~150 creep kills, +~300 on Q

An even +300 on Q in the first game I looked at! (I looked a few more afterward and they were more around 230-270.) Goal achieved! My ability to focus on last hitting in general and with Nasus' Q in particular has risen to the point where I'm comparable to the pro we looked at oh so long ago. Of course he managed to put up those numbers while getting several player kills and not dying stupidly so he's still way better than I am...

Even when I'm not playing Nasus my creep kills have been up a lot recently. We had a game on Friday where Snuggles pointed out I'd made more money alone than the two top players on the other team combined! (I had the most CS in the game (157 at the 24:44 mark when they surrendered) and was 12/1/4 as Akali.)

But it's not all sunshine and roses. There have been obvious frustrations in the voices of some teammates at me in some of our losses. The reason, I assume, is that I get ganked a lot. It really feels like no matter who I'm playing as if the other team bothers to try to gank me I will die. I get so focused on killing minions that I ignore any sort of map awareness and explode if the come at me. I even tried putting wards down in the last few games I've played and they've pretty much just served to cost me money. I don't notice when the jungler gets to the ward in time. Or they take a different path entirely and avoid the ward. I'm frequently pushed up in lane which makes it easier to get ganked... Definitely something I need to work on next!

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