Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bridge Match 1 - Board 125

Board 125 – Dealer North – All Vul

My hand: J 8 3 J T 7 2 K 9 K 9 8 5

East opens 1NT in 2nd chair. You don't interfere with 4-4-3-2 hands, so I pass as does everyone else.

I lead the 5 of clubs.

A 5
9 8 6 3
J 6 5 4
J T 7

J 8 3
J T 7 2
K 9
K 9 8 5

West North East South
Pass 1NT All Pass

5-T-A-6. Partner fires back a club. 2-3-? I should pop the K when partner has the Q left, but if he started with AQx he would have returned the Q I would think. How about AQxx? And could he have Ax? With Ax I need to duck. With Axx it doesn't matter. And with AQx or AQxx I need to win. I don't think he has the Q. 2-3-8-J.

Declarer shifts to hearts. 3-Q-A-2. K-7-6-2 of diamonds. Sorry declarer! He throws me in with a heart. 4-J-8-2 of spades. Partner has pitched low cards in every suit. I cash the K of clubs and declarer shows out, so partner did have the Q. Why not return that for me? Boo! I cash my heart and play a club to partner. He returns a spade to my J and dummy's A. I get my K of diamonds but nothing else. They're just in.

Q T 7 6 2
8 7 2
A Q 4 2

A 5
9 8 6 3
J 6 5 4
J T 7

K 9 4
A K 5 4
A Q T 3
6 3

J 8 3
J T 7 2
K 9
K 9 8 5

Professor Jack disagrees with ducking the club. It only hurts when partner underled his Q which he should do unless I lead the 5 from 9853 or a shorter suit. Come on, partner. Have more faith in me than that!

He then wants me to signal an even number of hearts. Yeah, lets tell declarer about the 4-1 split before he screws up and sets up my hearts. That seems wise. (Why was he 'setting up' hearts and not diamonds anyway?)

On the replay they also play 1NT. My hand leads the 5 of clubs, North again returns the 2 of clubs but my hand wins it. After clearing clubs they work on spades, but declarer wisely decides to set up diamonds for a push.

Nick: -90
Jack: -90
IMPs: 0 (-32 total)

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