Thursday, February 03, 2011

Bridge Match 1 - Board 119

Board 119 – Dealer South – All Vul

My hand: J 8 4 A 7 A Q 9 7 K 9 3 2

I open 1 club. Partner responds 1 heart, Walsh. East overcalls 1 spade which gets passed out. I lead the A of hearts.

T 5
8 6 4 3
K 6 3
Q 8 5 4

J 8 4
A Q 9 7
K 9 3 2

West North East South
Pass11 1 All Pass

A-3-2-5. Partner doesn't want me to return a heart. I don't know that I care. I want my ruff, and if he has a high spade I get one. 7-4-T-K. Declarer draws trump. Q-4-5-6. K-8-T-2. A-J-3 of diamonds-7. And now back to hearts. 9-2 of clubs-6-J. Partner tries to cash his last heart. Q-3 of spades-7 of diamonds-8. Declarer shifts to a club. 6-9-4-T. Partner shifts to a diamond, establishing one for declarer. 5-2-A-6. I give declarer his diamond. 9-K-T-8. Declarer ducks a club. 5-A-7-3. I get my Q of diamonds and declarer gets his trump at the end. Just in. I guess pretty much any other lead and we can set them. Doh.

7 6 2
Q J T 2
T 5 4

T 5
8 6 4 3
K 6 3
Q 8 5 4

A K Q 9 3
K 9 5
J 8 2
7 6

J 8 4
A 7
A Q 9 7
K 9 3 2

Professor Jack wants me to open 1 diamond.

On the replay my hand opens 1 diamond but the auction ends the same way. My hand leads the A of hearts off the top, too, and they also make 1.

Nick: -80
Jack: -80
IMPs: 0 (-20 total)

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