Sunday, May 04, 2014

Bridge Match 2 - Board 53

Board 53 - Dealer North - NS Vul

Opponents convention card: Bridge World Standard
Opponents playing strength: Fair

My hand: 8 5 3 Q 7 4 Q 7 6 4 J 9 6

Partner opens 1 spade in first chair. I have a flat, terrible 5 count but I do have 3 spades so I can find a 2 spades bid. West interferes with 3 clubs and partner goes crazy and jumps to 4 spades. East and I pass but West is having nothing to do with this and goes to 5 clubs. Partner pulls out the double and I really can't pull it.

Partner leads the Ace of Diamonds.
J 4
K T 9 6 5 3 2
J 5
8 4
8 5 3
Q 7 4
Q 7 6 4
J 9 6

A-5-7-8. Partner decides to draw trump now after seeing dummy. Q-4-6-A. Declarer cashes a diamond. K-3-J-4. Then he draws trump instead of ruffing a diamond... That seems wrong? K-2 of spades-8-9. Declarer has 5 more trump in hand but hopefully partner has the high cards in the other suits?

Declarer fires out a spade. 6-Q-4-3. Partner shifts back to diamonds. 2-2 of hearts-Q-9. I see no reason to not fire back a diamond. 6-2 of clubs-T-3 of hearts. Another spade to partner. T-A-J-5. Partner tries to cash the A of hearts but declarer ruffs it. Declarer then cashes a spade and fires a club to my J. I have now been endplayed into playing out a heart. But declarer only has trump left so that doesn't much matter.

Down 3, doubled.
A Q 9 7 2
A J 8
A T 3 2
K T 6

K 9 8
A K T 7 5 3 2
J 4
K T 9 6 5 3 2
J 5
8 4
8 5 3
Q 7 4
Q 7 6 4
J 9 6
Three tables actually play 5 clubs doubled, though one of them only took 4 tricks. The other tables did things like making 4 clubs, or making 4 clubs doubled, or making 4 in 3 clubs. Our side went down 1 in 2 spades or down 2 in 3 spades. So we get 11 MPs.

Jack agrees with me all the way!

Ranking after board 53/60: 1/16 with 61.99%

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