Sunday, April 13, 2014

Bridge Match 2 - Board 50

Board 50 - Dealer East - NS Vul

Opponents convention card: Majeure cinquième
Opponents playing strength: Intermediate

My hand: Q T 9 6 5 4 A 9 6 2 Q 9 6

East preempts 3 diamonds. I wanted to preempt spades but that sure isn't happening now. I wonder if I should double here? I don't have nearly enough points to justify it, but I have a really nice distribution. I worry partner has a good hand but too many diamonds to take a sensible action when it gets around to him. I think if the vulnerability wasn't truly terrible I'd go for it. I pass, and so does everyone else.

I lead the T of spades.
K 3
Q J 7 5
5 4
A J T 7 5
Q T 9 6 5 4
A 9 6 2

Q 9 6

East wins the opening lead with the A of spades and fires back a club. 2-6-A-4. Then he cashes the K of spades from board with partner dropping the J. Shift to a diamond. 4-2-A-5 of spades. Declarer throws a spade through. 7-9-5 of diamonds-7 of diamonds. Partner plays a heart over to my ace. 4-3-A-5.

Ok, should I be giving partner pitches now that dummy is out of trump? I think that's probably a good idea. I play a spade with both dummy and partner pitching a club. Declarer draws trump. 6-6 of spades-7 of clubs-J. Partner cashes a heart. K-3 of clubs-2-7. Partner plays another heart but declarer ruffs this one. Because he's got all trump left, but partner still has a high one. Down one.
J 2
K T 8 4
K J 7 2
K 8 4
K 3
Q J 7 5
5 4
A J T 7 5
A 8 7
A Q T 9 8 6 3
3 2
Q T 9 6 5 4
A 9 6 2

Q 9 6
Six of the tables played 3 diamonds, with 2 going down 1, 1 making, and 3 making up 1. One EW pair somehow played 3 clubs instead and went down 2. And one pair went all the way to 5 diamonds doubled and went down 2. We do better than average, and get 9 MPs. Doubling would have been worth 2 MPs if we'd played in 3 diamonds doubled and still set them? But considering most people made 3 it's probably not worth the risk.

Captain Jack doesn't like my opening lead. He wants me to lead the 6 of spades if I lead a spade at all, but would rather I lead the 6 of clubs. I don't think I like underleading Qxx. And I don't think I should play so low if I lead from my 6 card suit either. Screw you, Jack!

Ranking after board 50/60: 1/16 with 60%

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