Sunday, July 13, 2014

Bridge Match 3 - Board 2

Board 2 - Dealer East - NS Vul

Opponents convention card: Majeure cinquième
Opponents playing strength: Excellent

My hand: A Q 7 5 4 A 7 7 5 A Q J 6

I open 1 spade in second seat. Partner raises to 3, which should show a weak hand with 4 spades. But it didn't get alerted, which makes me think we may not be playing Bergen raises? Time to cheat and sneak a peak at my card... (Which I feel ok doing because I play one hand per week.) Bergen compex is turned on. So he should have 4 spades and fewer than 6 points. My hand is pretty good, but probably not good enough. I pass.

West leads the Q of diamonds.
J 8 6 3
T 8 5 2
A 8 3 2
A Q 7 5 4
A 7
7 5
A Q J 6

Ok, well, that sure is what I thought partner had. I guess you just don't need to alert the 3 spade bid in Bergen? Good to know! Anyway, I will lose a diamond, a heart, and a spade or two. I'm going to have a hard time taking tricks since I don't really have much to set up outside of clubs. Maybe I should try a dummy reversal and ruff a lot of red cards in hand? I should duck the opening lead to cut communication I think. Q-2-6-7. West continues a diamond. 9-A-4-5. Yeah, I want to ruff a bunch on hand. So I play another diamond. 3-K-4 of spades-J.

But now how to get back to board? Probably I should just go ace of clubs, ruff a club. Run it. A-2-7-5. 6-4-3 of spades-3. Another diamond through. 8-T-Q of spades-3 of hearts. I cash a heart and lose a heart. They try to take another heart, which I ruff. With the heart pitch earlier I have the last heart on board now. So I should probably draw trump? If spades are 2-2 that's fine, but if they're 3-1 it's bad. I'll cash the A and see what happens. A-2-6-9. Bleh. Let's just ruff things. I play a club. Q-K-8 of spades-8.

Ok, they have 2 spades left, and I have the high club. Their two spades are high. So my only way to make another trick is if spades were 2-2. Might as well draw trump then. Spades were 3-1. Making 3.

J 8 6 3
T 8 5 2
A 8 3 2
K T 2
Q J 6 3
Q J 9
K 4 2
K 9 4
K T 6 4
T 9 8 6 3
A Q 7 5 4
A 7
7 5
A Q J 6
Everyone played in spades, but with 4 different results. Two pairs made 4 spades. 2 pairs went down 1 in 4 spades. 1 pair was in 2 spades making 4. And 3 pairs were in 3 spades making 3. We lose to all the people who took 10 tricks and beat the people who went down. So we get 6 MPs.

Jack disagrees with my pass. He wants me to bid 4 spades. That feels crazy. I have too many losers for his hand to be good enough considering how bad it has to be for the 3 spade Bergen bid. He had a complete maximum and it was still a questionable game! He then disagrees with my play most of the way through the hand. He doesn't want me to draw trump because it will cost an overtrick. Which it turns out is true. Doh.

Ranking after board 2/60: 10/16 with 35.71%

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