Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 7

Board 7 – Dealer South – All Vul

My hand: K J 9 9 7 2 9 7 3 K 7 5 3

I wonder if there's a setting somewhere to give me good hands. Anyone I can bribe?

I pass, West opens 1NT and partner bids 2 diamonds. We're playing Cappelletti now, so this should be 4-5 or better in the majors. I bid 2 hearts which gets passed out. West leads the Q of diamonds.

8 7 5 4
A K Q 5 3
K T 4


K J 9
9 7 2
9 7 3
K 7 5 3

West North East South
1NT 21 Pass 2
Pass Pass Pass

I will lose a club, 2 diamonds, and somewhere between 1 and 3 spades. As long as trumps are 3-2 I won't lose any hearts, but I will lose one if they're 4-1. My side has 21 points, and West has 15-17, so East has 2-4 points. From the lead I'm thinking he has the A of diamonds and West has the rest. If so then I really am losing at least 2 spades. Maybe I can endplay him and force him to lead a spade for me. I don't think ducking the lead can help me and I might as well make sure East has the A so I play the K. Q-K-A-3. East returns a spade. I know West has the AQ, so I might as well play the 9 and hope he doesn't have the T. He does. 6-9-T-4. He then cashes the A. A-5-2-J. My K is set up, but it gets ruffed away. 3-7-8 of hearts-K.

East comes back with a club. 8-3-A-Q. West cashes the J of diamonds as the setting trick. J-4-5-9. Then they ruff another spade, ruffing with the T so I can't overruff. I finally win a trick and can draw trump. Down 2.

8 7 5 4
A K Q 5 3
K T 4

A Q T 3
J 6
Q J 8 6
A J 9

6 2
T 8 4
A 5 2
T 8 6 4 2

K J 9
9 7 2
9 7 3
K 7 5 3

Professor Jack has no problem with anything I did. Since I pretty much just sat there and got beat like a pinata I'm not too surprised.

On the replay NS is playing natural overcalls, and North just blasts in there with 2 hearts. East is on lead this time, and starts with a low spade. The play goes similarly until the part where East ruffs in and has to lead a club. West inserts the J instead of winning his A, losing to stiff Q. This lets declarer draw trump and escape for down 1. I can't imagine how that could have been the right play, but it costs my team 3 IMPs.

Nick: -200
Jack: -100
IMPs: -3 (-2 total)


Bung said...

I don't think inserting the King of Diamonds has no consequences. If you let the Q ride, it blocks off an entry to lefty's hand... which could have been key given the ruffing situation. As it turns out though, it doesn't matter since he had an outside A anyways.

Ziggyny said...

If I let the Q ride and East has AJ I lose 3 diamond tricks instead of 2. Of course, I did show East couldn't have AJ due to only having at most 4 points and the naked Q is an odd lead...

Of course by the same logic I knew West had two aces, so he had plenty of entries anyway. You are right that it's definitely something worth considering in general though.