Monday, August 23, 2010

Bridge Match 1 - Board 6

Board 6 – Dealer East – EW Vul

My hand: J 3 A J 7 2 9 7 5 J T 9 7

East opens 1 diamond and I pass. West bids 1 spade, partner gets in there with 2 hearts and East jumps to 3 spades. I want to let partner know about my hearts and figure we won't go down too many and bid 4 hearts. West then bids 4NT Blackwood. East has 0 or 4 and they settle in 5 spades. Partner leads the T of hearts.


K T 9 7
Q 6
K Q 4 3 2
K 4

J 3
A J 7 2
9 7 5
J T 9 7

West North East South
1 Pass
1 2 3 4
4NT1 Pass 52Pass
5 Pass PassPass
1Ace asking for spades
20 or 4 Aces

T-Q-A-3. I return the J and West ruffs in with the 2 of spades. Partner plays the 5.

Declarer draws trump. 4-8-K-3. 7-J-A-4 of hearts.

Declarer now shifts to clubs. 2-3-K-7.

And now over to diamonds. 2-5-J-6. T-A-3-7. Unless partner has the A of clubs dummy is up. He doesn't. Making 5.

K T 9 8 5 4
A 8 6
Q 8 3

A Q 6 5 4 2
A 6 5 2

K T 9 7
Q 6
K Q 4 3 2
K 4

J 3
A J 7 2
9 7 5
J T 9 7

Professor Jack thinks 4 hearts was a bad idea and would have passed. He has no justification for this. I think white on red it was fine. He also disagrees with returning a heart when I won the A. I don't think it's that unreasonable that partner only had 5 bad hearts for his overcall but maybe I've been playing with Andrew too long. Leading a diamond up to KQ432 which is what Jack wants me to do seems wrong though. Not sure what is right though. He also disagrees with the 7 of clubs since it shows an odd number when I have an even number. He's right, and I didn't even think about it which is a problem, but in this case it didn't matter. I doubt partner cares and maybe declarer does so lying is probably right.

On the replay the auction goes the same until I bid 4H when Jack passes. This allows West to cuebid clubs. East with an aceless minimum doesn't care and signs off in 4S. I wish they actually only had 10 tricks instead of 11 so my bid would have pushed them too high...

In the play Jack returns a heart when he wins the A. I wish Professor Jack and real Jack listened to each other... Not that it matters. Defense takes two aces, declarer takes the rest. Making 5.

Nick: -650
Jack: -650
IMPs: +0 (1 total)


Sthenno said...

These posts are fantastic, by the way, I hope more are coming. It's a great thing to read at work.

Ziggyny said...

I do up a few hands at a time and save them on blogger as unposted posts. It makes it pretty quick to put one up every day, even from work, so I should be able to keep it up for a while.

Formatting things is a little annoying right now since I'm editing the HTML manually but I'm going to try to write a program to pull the info from Jack's save files to make things even easier.