Sunday, September 08, 2013

Bridge Match 2 - Board 17

Board 17 – Dealer North – No Vul

Opponents convention card: Dutch Doubleton
Opponents playing strength: Adequate

My hand: A T 4 3 8 4 3 2 J 4  K T 5

Partner passes and East opens 1 diamond. I have nothing to say. They have a game forcing misfit auction and end up in 3NT.

Partner leads the 3 of clubs.


K Q 9 5
7 5
A K T 9
8 7 2

A T 4 3
8 4 3 2
J 4
K T 5

West North East South
Pass 1 Pass
1 Pass 1 Pass
21 Pass 22 Pass
2NT Pass 3NT All Pass
14th suit forcing
24 spades, fewer than 3 hearts

Well, partner has exactly 4 clubs and they should end up 4-3-3-3. So if we keep attacking clubs and if partner has another entry we can get a trick there. I can't see setting up my long suits, so might as well adopt that as the plan. 3-2-K-A. West switches to diamonds. 2-8-9-J. Yoink! Club time! T-J-Q-7. Partner has the 9 of clubs, which he cashes. He then fails to play the 13th club and instead switches to a heart. K-5-2-6. And now the 13th club, where dummy pitches a spade. I pitch my diamond and declarer also pitches a spade. Partner then throws dummy in with a diamond. 7-K-3 of hearts-5. Declarer cashes a bunch of cards then gives me my A of spades. Partner gets the Q of hearts on the last trick as well. Down 3.

J 7 6 2
8 7
Q 9 6 3

A J 9 6
Q 6 5 3 2
A J 4

♠ K Q 9 5
7 5
A K T 9
8 7 2

A T 4 3
8 4 3 2
J 4
K T 5

3NT down 3 is, unsurprisingly, a top board. All the other tables also played in no trump contracts.  3NT-1, 2NT, 2NT+2x2, 3NTx3.

Captain Jack agrees with me all the way!

Ranking after board 17/60: 5/16 with 54.20%

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