Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I am not a spam bot, I'm a diplomat!

So as I was doing up the quest info for Stratholme I discovered that I've been flagged as being a spammer, not a real person. They made me fill out a box with squiggly letters to slow down my bottingness. Apparently a lot of links to one site sets off a red flag. Well, I'm not a bot, so here's a real post with NO links at all.

Ok, I lied. One link, but it's not to a World of Warcraft strategy site at all. DipBounced Diplomacy site is a fully self-contained site that 'judges' Diplomacy moves automatically. You sign up for games anonymously and can send messages to the other powers through the site itself. It generates maps of the game automatically as well. In short, it's great!

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